Monday, October 20, 2008

First Day of School

Jacie FINALLY started school. Her preschool is at the high school and for some reason she didn't start until October. I am so excited that she has started. It means that twice a week she is gone for 2 1/2 hours!! It was actually kind of sad because I realized that from now on she will always be gone during the day. My little girl is getting so grown up, and so TALL! Jacie loves school. She is learning her ABC's and all sorts of things. She goes to school with 3 other kids from our neighborhood which makes carpooling nice. She also has friends from last year in her class. I am slightly worried though. She is only 4 and she is already kissing boys! When she came home from school the first day I asked her what she did and she informed me that she kissed Rowdy! She is WAY too young! Luckily though, she said she kissed him on the cheek. The second week of school when I drove, one of the other girls was in back with Jacie and they wanted Rowdy to sit in back with them. When I told them they were just going to be in back the other little girl said that she wanted Taz to sit in back with her. I had to inform them that Taz didn't ride with us! I asked Jacie who she played with at school and she said "Taz, he's cute." Then I asked her what she liked about him, she said "his spiky hair." Way too funny. I seriously didn't think crushes started this early. But wait, what am I thinking, Jacie has always loved her "married guy" Devin as long as I can remember!
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