Monday, October 20, 2008

Conference Weekend

I finally made it to visit my parents new house in Price over conference weekend. It was a great weekend. We spent most of our time scrap booking. I enjoy scrap booking but it takes me so long to do a page that I rarely do it. Also my mom has all the cute supplies so I feel I have to do it with her! It was me, my sister, my sister-in-law and all the grand kids. All of the husbands had already made other plans so we thought that it would be the perfect opportunity to have a girls weekend. We also celebrated Cayden's second birthday. Its crazy how fast our kids are growing up. Jacie's favorite part of my parents house was their tub. That is all she wanted to do was take a bath! We tried to get the boys in but they didn't like the bubbles. Maddux would try and climb out screaming as soon as we put him in! Luckily Juliana loved it too so Jacie had a partner. Jacie also went to the Dinosaur Museum with my dad but I didn't send a camera. I thought him trying to chase Jacie was enough to worry about!

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1 comment:

bandkworky said...

Juliana still wants to go sit in the big big big tub.