Wednesday, July 16, 2008

4th of July

Now that it is almost the 24th of July it is about time that I write about what we did for the 4th. Jacie and I went to the West Jordan Rodeo with Tims parents, my sister-in-law Brittany and her two kids on the 3rd. It started out great. They had all these blow up slides and jumping things that the kids played on. They even rode ponies. They had a blast. Then we went over to the rodeo grounds. Tim refused to go because he hates rodeos. I somewhat enjoy them and knew that Jacie would like them so I left Maddux home with Tim and went for a girls night out. Unfortunately I am starting to side with Tim for reasons why "these things are horrible" (in his words!). They pack you in like sardines so you can't even enjoy the festivities because you are so uncomfortable. There is no room to sit plus I am getting kicked by the kid in back of me but I can't really complain because Jacie is kicking the people in front of us. It just makes for a LONG night!
On the 4th we went to Tims parents for lunch and let the kids play around in the little pool then we went to our neighbors for a BBQ - Cafe Rio style! It was some good food, good company and overall a great night. I do have to say that fireworks just aren't what they use to be. I remember growing up we would go across the street to the church and sit on the hill to watch fireworks. Our next door neighbors had a firework stand so we had a great show. I definitely miss the fireworks in the sky. The little ones that you can do now that just squeal at you aren't that exciting. I guess we will have to start going to actual firework shows if I want that "ooh... aah" feeling.

Jacie going down the slide. At first she was scared to go down but followed her cousin Seth

Jacie and Seth jumping

Jacie loved the pony ride

She loves to pose for the camera!

Jacie and Seth doing some more sliding!

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