Monday, July 21, 2008

Memory Game

Here is a fun little game...Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark...get your memories!!


bandkworky said...

Well to be honest you are my sister so I have many memories, but I would have to say some of the best are when we went to Hawaii or Yellowstone.

Cashelle said...

Where do I start? New Year's Eve sleepover at your house, many, many, MANY "walks," dances, football/basketball games, sluffing Sunday School in the foyer, passing notes, the county fair, I could go on and on! I miss those good ol' days. Love ya!

bandkworky said...

I have to revise my other comment I think my favorite memory is getting up on Thanksgiving to make the rolls especially when Thanksgiving was still at Grandma Hunter's house. It was always so much fun.

watsonshuffle said...

My favorite memory is when we finally realized that we were neighbors and all this time we had been teaching sunbeams together. I also remember one of our first lunches together at Chili's...the start of a great friendship. You're the best!

summer c said...

I remember when you guys came to visit and we hung out at TJ's parents. All 3 of us girls were pregnant (all though no one knew I was at the time) and complaining that we were exhausted and it was only 9pm! I remember feeling so old b/c I was tired at 9pm. Long time friends are great but you guys just make me feel old!

summer c said...

ps. We totally need to get together! We only live 5 hours from SLC so you should pick a random weekend and we should just get everyone together. send me your number and we can chat:

bandkworky said...

Hey I want all of us to get together and go to Lagoon again, whenever Juli sees my page she wants to go on a rollercoaster so I need to take her on one what days can you guys go. If it has to be on a Saturday Brian only has two off a month so it would have to be either next week or the week after that (september we will be in Oceanside).