Sunday, September 21, 2008

To the Dentist

I decided that I should finally take the kids to the dentist. I did take Jacie when she was about 2 but she hasn't been back. Jacie did great. I thought that she might be scared but she wasn't, she sat in the chair and opened her mouth when she was suppose to! I brought my camera so I could take pictures and what did I do? I took a picture of them in the waiting room but forgot when they were in the chair! So turns out we should have invested in a dental plan instead of a college fund! Jacie doesn't have any cavities but she does have one messed up grill!! She is missing a tooth, well she doesn't have a baby tooth and it is still unsure if her permanent tooth is there. She also has a cross bite. The dentist said that we should put in an expander to help correct her bite now while her bones are still soft instead of waiting till she older and it takes longer with more pain. Needless to say she is going to have one expensive mouth! Tim and I both had braces, I had them twice, so it is no surprise that our children are going to need them but I didn't think that she would need intervention so early.
Maddux did great also. He wants to do everything that Jacie does so if she can sit in the chair so can he! The dentist did say that he bit him though. That also isn't a shocker. You should see the welts that kid leaves on my arms!
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