Tuesday, January 29, 2008


So both of my kids have been sick, again. Jacie started with it two Saturdays ago. She is almost over it but she still has her chronic cough and a runny nose. Now Maddux has it. He has been sick for almost a week now and just can't seem to get over it. I am taking him to the Dr today. His little nose is so raw and he HATES that blue bulb syringe. He coughs, he doesn't want to eat, he doesn't want to be put down, and he always wants to sleep with me. That means no sleep for me, but who needs sleep right! Last night he would not let me put him down. It was so frustrating because I would get him to sleep and then try and put him down. He would wake up and scream, I would pick him up and then scream for another 5 - 10 minutes; which at 11:30 at night seems like an eternity. One of the things that sucks when your kids are sick is that you can't do any of your every day chores. My house is a wreck, I haven't gone grocery shopping forever and I haven't done laundry. Luckily I have a great husband that is totally understanding and helps out a ton. Anyway, enough complaining. Hopefully they will get over this and be well, until next month!!


Mindurs said...

I am sorry; there are so many sicknesses out there. Hang in there and hopefully they will get better soon!

Andrea Griggs said...

Oh, I'm sorry your little family is sick. I hope they get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Seems to be the fate of moms in the winter--to get to deal with sick kids, and even better sick husbands ;) Nightshifts are hard being pregnant and sick, but the days after are the hardest. Kyra doesn't think I'm a "fun mom" and tells me so quite often! Oh well!

Unknown said...

Hey Kara!
I found your blog off of Mels blog! So I just wanted to say hi!
I hope all is well, inspite of the sick children.... :)
Keep In Touch.

bandkworky said...

Kara I took your advise and set up my own blog it come check it out. Give me a couple of weeks before it's really good though.

Unknown said...

:)I moved to SDS about 10 months ago. It was a good time to go too. The floor just isn't the same. I don't know ANYONE overthere anymore!! There has been a ton of turnover since Kathy retired and her replacement is hardly up to par :( So its been a good move!

Di said...

Cute blog. Just wanted to let you know my husband owes your husband $20 for the halo game (please just take it back.. j/k). Sorry we keep forgetting, but I'll remind Tyler to get it over to you.
Hope you are all feeling better!